Gene Therapy
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Gene Therapy
Although gene therapy can offer great benefits to patients worldwide, it is still an experimental procedure. It is experimental because scientists still have a lot of things to work on. One of them is that they need at least a couple of ways to deliver the genes consistently to a precise location. Another issue is that scientists need to develop vectors which can go to the targeted cell. However there are many other concerns as well regarding gene therapy. Look below for more issues! (citation 1.17)
Scientific Controversies:
Using viruses in order to correct a faulty gene is not foolproof. Within the host genome there is a specific point where the gene that is to be inserted should be introduced. With this said, there is no guarantee that the viral enzyme that will be introduced will actually reach the targeted point. If there is an error in the process of inserting the viral enzyme, it may result in serious disorders and may also cause a problem in the genetic makeup of a cell. Another challenge that may also arise is that the vector might be destroyed by the body’s immune system. This is because the immune system might perceive the vector as foreign. If the vector is inserted again into the body, the immune system will attack it more aggressively the next time.
Ethical Issues:
With the technology that will be used for gene therapy, it is quite apparent that gene therapy treatment will be expensive. This can be a problem because then only those who can afford this treatment will be able to take advantage of its benefits. Germ line gene therapy also has a lot of potential, however it also triggers fear of eugenics. Eugenics is creation of a superior race. Although geneticist’s purpose is to not create a superior race, it is difficult for some people to ignore Hitler’s “belief in the supremacy of the Aryan race.” Due to this fear, people are scared that some may abuse germ line gene therapy to create designer babies which may change the way the world thinks about equality in different types of people and races.
Religious Issues:
People with various types of strong religious beliefs would go against the idea of manipulating the genetic makeup that God has created for all mankind. For them, this idea would be going against God’s will, or that this is “playing God” (citation 1.18). However this issue is more directed at germ line therapy because germ line deals with changing the genes of reproductive cells that can be passed down to generations. Some also argue that the increasing knowledge of human genetics is not to develop more effective ways of therapy, but instead it is to prevent the birth of offspring with unwanted genetic traits.